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Alice  England
carrot seed oil benefits for hair Carrot seed oil improves blood circulation, which helps to stimulate hair growth

Carrot seed oil benefits for hair

It’s not just skin that can benefit from the powerful properties of carrot seed oil! We love using carrot seed oil in hair care as well. Containing high levels of vitamin A, vitamin E and beta carotene, carrot seed oil is great for hair health. It is known for improving blood circulation, which helps to stimulate hair growth and strengthen fragile hair, it also conditions the scalp.

Key carrot seed oil benefits for hair include:

  • Repairing hair
  • Strengthening hair
  • Moisturising damaged hair
  • Soothing itchy scalps due to its antibacterial properties
  • Stimulating hair growth (anecdotal)

We have added carrot seed oil to our hair products to protect hair from damage, restore hair and scalp moisture leaving your hair healthier, shinier and smoother.

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